
You can book Yasmin Demirhan for speaking events or trainings anywhere in the world. Whether you would like a three-day personal development retreat or a one-hour keynote, Yasmin will tailor-make any event to meet your company or organizations´ needs.
Yasmin Demirhan
International coach with more than 10 years of experience, giving training in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Israel and Mexico.

She is personally certified by the most reknowned and established figures in the world of personal development such as:
(Co creator of NLP) Creator of the Design Human Engineering system, and Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning. He is the author of more than 17 books and president of the NLP Society.JOHN GRINDER
is the co-creator of NLP and one of the great thinkers of our lifetime. Author of 14 booksCHRISTINA HALL
(NLP Meta-Trainer) Acknowledged as a major contributor to the development of NLP with the NLP Co- Developers during the pioneering days.TONY ROBBINS
Father of Coaching.Ranked among the "Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World".
Those people advised by Tony Robbins include such celebrities as Mikhail Gorbachev, Bill Clinton, Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey; as well as top managers of companies such as IBM, American Express and Kodak; along with athletes such as Michael Jordan and André Agassi.
Ultimate Performance Specialist, authored several best-selling books and shared the stage with Tony Robbins for two decades.STEVE LINDER
Anthony Robbins’ International Performance Trainer and creator of the method: Neuro Strategist International.DANIEL GOLEMAN
(One of the most influential psychologist with his unique contribution to Emotional Intelligence) Author of the best-selling book “Emotional Intelligence”.DR. JOHN DEMARTINI
(Author of the bestseller: "The Gratitude Effect") Researcher, international educator, speaker on human behavior. Founder of the Demartini Institute, author of nine best-sellersBRIAN TRACY
(Advisor on leadership, sales, self-esteem, goals, strategies, and success psychologist) Author of over 86 books, including "Maximum Efficiency", "Eat That Frog", "The Psychology of Achievement" and is the Founder of Brian Tracy International.BYRON KATIE
(Creator of the self-help method: "The Work"): Author of the book "Loving What Is" and founder of Byron Katie International.DEBBIE FORD
(Creator of the method: "The Shadow Effect") Coach, lecturer, author of eight books, including "Spiritual Divorce", "Why Good People do Bad Things" and "The 21 Day Consciousness Cleanse". Founder of the Ford Institute for Transformational Training.
(Coach of high performance athletes) Creator of the Sports Performance Method with NLP.DR. SUE JOHNSON
Creator of the method; Emotionally Focused Couple TherapyJOHN GOTTMAN
(Recognized for his work on marriage stability) Psychologist at the University of Washington, recognized as one of the 10 most influential therapists of the last century. Professor emeritus in psychology, his works has had a great impact on the analysis of social sequence. Founder of Gottman Institute.DAVID DEIDA
Acknowledged as one of the most insightful spiritual teachers, expert in intimate relationships and author of 10 booksALISON ARMSTRONG
Educator and creator of PAX Program with the mission to alter the relationship between men and womenThe Method
Inner Power Method ™
The Inner Power Method™ has been developed by Yasmin Demirhan, through her more than ten years experience in teaching courses while simultaneously educating herself under the biggest teachers and pillars in the world of personal development.The method proposes the creation of a more genuine life by strengthening different aspects in the personality of each of the participants and connecting them with their inner authenticity.
By means of powerful tools, exercises and reasoning - all used in Coaching, NLP, Emotional Intelligence, and other psychological disciplines - the method proposes to make important life changes for each person. We talk about becoming happier with oneself and with others, about becoming powerful leaders, navigating setbacks and disappointments in order that they contribute to the improvement of one´s life. The method teaches one how to avoid bitterness, to express oneself with confidence and self-assuredness, to create a style of life that can be enjoyed every day, as well as to conquer emotions that lead to procrastination, emotional exhaustion and self-sabotage.
This 3-day course is focused on skill development and aimed at helping people achieve an attitude of Self-Coaching.
The method will help you:
1. Discover your 9 powers to empower your personal and professional life.2. Identify your “blind spots” and the areas of your life that requires your attention and gain the right tools elevating your consciousness to empower those areas.
3. Express your unique expression in each area and role in your life.
4. Ignite your self-esteem and leadership skills.
5. Identify what needs are not being met in your life and that lead to: anxiety to eat, compulsive shopping, excessive social life, addictions etc. We will analyze the why and how to manage this in an appropriate and healthy way.
6. Gain insights behind why we do what we do and why we think what we think.
7. Identify what a belief is, and how they are created in your life.
8. Detect aspects in your life that slow your performance and stop you from moving forwards.
9. Improve your relationship with money and identify limiting beliefs behind it.
10. Identify the self-imposed rules that you have in your life that have paralyzed your happiness and development, and the limiting beliefs that have tied you to a style of life that you truly do not want.
11. Detect the excuses that prevent you from recognizing the self-sabotage you engage in, in order to avoid leaving your comfort zone and those that prevent you from creating a new style of life.
12. Identify the mental mechanisms that generate anger, sadness, frustration and disappointment in yourself. You will learn to convert these into more useful emotions in accordance with the specific context.
13. Learn how to accept your negative side (what you want to hide).
14. Identify what it is that you think makes you happy vs what really makes you happy.
15. Identify your expectations and learn to modify them and eliminate those that are unrealistic and that only cause suffering and worsen your connection and communication with others.
With the method you will:
1. Learn tools to manage the mental mechanisms that generate emotions in you and thus transform the quality of your life.2. Learn how to generate changes in your belief system.
3. Know how to overcome and manage the different fears that exist.
4. Learn how to reconfigure your rules of life, so that they adapt to you and not you to them.
5. Learn to manage the guilt in your life, which leads to self-punishment, remorse, regret, restlessness and dissatisfaction.
6. Learn the art of defining the right objectives for yourself and how to achieve them, so that you save time, money, effort and energy.
7. Learn to design high quality questions and how to ask questions aimed towards achieving efficient results.
8. Learn to take control of your emotions with NLP. Learn how we acquire information from the exterior, how it impacts us and how you can modify it.
9. Learn to be a more assertive person.
10. Learn how to achieve increased career power, focusing and motivating yourself and others through the 3 most powerful forms of motivating people.
11. Learn to better manage the value of money, its use and its power.
12. Make the necessary changes in yourself that will allow you to see more clearly and why conflicts occur in relationships, and how to solve them.
13. Learn about the power of habits and discipline and see the results of long-term thinking vs short term thinking.
14. Integrate the power of attitude in your life throughout the course.
The method is taught in Europe, Asia, and North America, to businessmen, artists, actors, high performance athletes, entrepreneurs and anyone who desires positive and lasting change in their lives.